Being one of the first private leading shipping companies in Bulgaria, Karimex Shipping Agency was founded in 1991 by Karimex Group (est. 1987) for serving the Karimex Group fleet at Port Burgas. Karimex Shipping Agency is ideally positioned to handle your cargo from ship to shore and beyond. Our aim is to make the operation of shipping and forwarding services simple, productive and cost effective.

37+ Years of experience
Over 2524 served ships
Over 4 099 100 tons liquid cargo
Over 12 214 000 tons dry and general cargo


As Port Agents, our team is highly qualified and experienced in operations to provide first class service and protecting the vessels owner interests.

Efficiency and Flexibility

Our customers know they can count on us for their business in Bulgaria

Cost Efficient

Competent consultants with international cross-industry experience

Reliable Solutions

We handle all formalities from start to finish with highest quality and accuracy

Personal Services

Investment projects, market research & company setup and management

Our Team

A team of dynamic and flexible thinking professionals with global experience
Ahmad Hammoud

Ahmad Hammoud

Marin Kostov

Marin Kostov

Stanimir Dimitrov

Stanimir Dimitrov

Stoyan Stoyanov

Stoyan Stoyanov

See more
+ years of experience
+ Served ships
+ Processed tons liquid cargo
+ Processed tons dry&general cargo

It's our job to make it as simple as possible for you.

Behind every smooth experience, we're the magic making it effortless.

Let us untangle the knots, while you embrace the ease.

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